Thursday, July 2

First of many.

So. Here I am. Blogging.

I never thought I would do this, but Jessica convinced me that it was good for the soul :)

And I thought this would be an appropriate first post.

101 in 1001 - July 1, 2009 to March 28, 2012

1. Stand in the ocean.
2. Go camping.
3. Take a photography class.
4. Make a "100 Things That Make Me Happy" list.
5. Sit in a coffee shop, by myself, and read.
6. Have a weekend dedicated to making art.
7. Burn 5 mix CDs for friends. [1 down, 4 to go]
8. Stay up all night to watch the sun set and the sun rise.
9. Eat something new. [7/8/09]
10. Fly a kite.
11. Go to the Art Walk at Sunset Center every 1st Friday of the month.
12. Convince one person to do this. [7/1/09]
13. Visit Houston.
14. Visit California.
15. Visit NYC.
16. Visit Washington D.C.
17. Go to a beach.
18. Get another tattoo.
19. See Paramore in concert.
20. Sell something on EBay.
21. Volunteer somewhere for at least 4 straight hours.
22. Go barefoot for a day.
23. Enter and win another art show.
24. Dedicate a whole day to watching movies.
25. Cook dinner for my family.
26. Go horseback riding in Palo Duro Canyon.
27. See John Mayer every time he tours, like I have for the past two years.
28. Study abroad, again.
29. Go to a drive in movie theatre.
30. Build something with my brother.
31. Learn how to play piano.
32. Workout with Jessica for one week.
33. Sign up to be an organ donor.
34. Star gaze, and find some new constellations.
35. Use my Flickr, and post pictures of all my artwork.
36. Go one month without cokes.
37. Play a game of softball, like the good ol’ days.
38. Make a New Year Resolution, and keep it.
39. Go skiing.
40. Spend a whole day with my dad.
41. Spend a whole day with my mom.
42. Go out dancing.
43. Delete my myspace.
44. Throw a dinner party.
45. Speak to three people I don’t know, everyday, for one week.
46. Read a biography.
47. Take a completely random class.
48. See a scary movie in a theatre.
49. Pick up a new hobby.
50. Go out of my way for people three times in one day.
51. Have a board game night.
52. Unplug for a weekend. No electronics.
53. Introduce someone to 5 bands they’d never heard of. [7/21/09]
54. Lose 15-20 pounds.
55. Find a Pen Pal.
56. Drive a mustang, old or new.
57. Keep, at least, A’s and B’s in all of my classes. Preferably A’s.
58. Get my mom to actually use her Facebook. [7/2/09]
59. Learn how to French braid hair.
60. Visit 5 states I’ve never been to.
61. Play Spin the Bottle.
62. Wear and be comfortable in a bikini.
63. Ride in a boat.
64. Visit my cousin Tanisha in Dallas. [7/13/09 - 7/17/09]
65. Ride my bicycle in Palo Duro Canyon.
66. Garage sale everything I truly don’t need.
67. Go play basketball with Amanda at least 3 times.
68. Wake up by 8:30 on a Saturday and Sunday.
69. Become involved with something on campus.
70. Fill a whole sketchbook by Spring 2010.
71. Have a Toms Style Your Sole party.
72. Reopen the Art Club at WT.
73. Use sign language as my only form of communication for one whole day.
74. Give someone a second chance.
75. Go to the zoo and feed an animal.
76. Go to Wonderland, and act like a kid.
77. Buy a new pair of Vans.
78. Get an internship, preferably for Graphic Design.
79. Try turkey burgers. [7/4/09]
80. Watch all of the seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, so I actually know what’s going on.
81. Watch all of the seasons of The Office.
82. Learn how to play guitar.
83. Dance crazy with someone in public.
84. Plant a tree.
85. Catch a fish at South East Park.
86. Buy a Polaroid camera.
87. Give blood at least 3 more times in the next year.
88. Break one bad habit.
89. Go to Walmart, but not buy anything.
90. Go one month without any "sweets".
91. Buy 5 dresses, and wear them for no special occasion. [3 down, 2 to go!]
92. Take my mom shopping, and pay for it.
93. Learn how to do the pretzel while Swing Dancing.
94. Get a chemical peel. [7/18/09]
95. Meet someone famous.
96. Draw something detailed with sidewalk chalk.
97. Take my vitamins consistently for two weeks.
98. Sing karaoke.
99. Play dress up and go out on the town.
100. Go on a picnic.
101. Make a new list when I finish this one.

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